Get well soon!

gute besserungEverybody around me is is having the flu.
I created this card for all, who have to stay in bed.

Get well soon!

Tomorrow is an other day

mädchen-weinendThis is exactly how I feel tonight. Sad and poor.

I thought it might be a good idea to send out some emails to companies I would love to work with
(this is why I completely reworked my website and launched it this Saturday).
I called a big german publishing company which produces beautiful stationary goods
and talked to a really nice lady. She asked me to send her the link to my website and some pieces of my portfolio.
This evening I received a refusal coming from an intern, with some very general words.
I can´t even guess why they don´t consider a collaboration with me.

I know that this is a part of the freelancing business (it´s always an up and down),
but on some days it´s more difficult to deal with. Today is one of these days.

But hey, tomorrow is an other day and I would like to thank  all the people,
who signed up for my new blog, viewed my website and sent me some friendly words.

It feels like Christmas today

kettcards weihnachtskarteIt´s snowing outside and everything reminds me of Christmas.
As a real winter and Christmas lover, I´m counting on every 24th of a month, how much time is  left till next Christmas.
Today it´s just 10!

I did this Christmas card for one of my very favorite clients: kettcards. It´s always a pleasure to work with Michaela, she is such a nice person.

Don´t be afraid of a revoluzZza monster

monster-antonThis is Anton, a little vampire, I sewed for my daughter. She loves him. He is very kind and takes care of her at night.
The very creative Suse Bauer shares a monster-sew-tutorial at her RevoluzZza-blog, where you can find a lot of beautiful dolls.
If you are too scared of a  monster, try an easter bunny!

Bosses are not always wrong!

Ten years ago, when I used to be an ambitious footwear designer at adidas, I had a boss.
A tiny guy (I´m 158 cm, so you can imagine how tiny he was) from Argentina (the jokes about south american machos are all true), who kept telling me, women should stay at home and take care of the kids. His wife did, but me: no kids, no husband, nobody to take care of.

Once during a lunch break, I was sitting around and sketching just for fun, when he looked over my shoulders and was really surprised.
He told me, I should become an illustrator. I just laughed. I loved my job, my colleagues (except him), the shoes, so what.
Now, ten years later, with two kids on my hands (still no blond hair, sorry Gabriel), I´m sitting here and starting my brand new illustrator blog.
Finally I have to admit, you were right, so thanks to you:
Illustrating is the best thing I have ever done.

You are warmly welcome to celebrate my blog going online with me and my lego friends.